Keeping Residents at the Center of Our Work
Robin Suddreth plays a vital leadership role in our community. With 22 years of employment at Givens Estates, her wealth of experience serves residents well. Robin is responsible for oversight of Wood Assisted Living, Givens Estates Health Center, and Environmental Services. She also serves as the HIPAA Privacy Officer. We recently had the opportunity to ask Robin about her goals, values, inspiration, and leadership style and think you will love getting to know her a little better.
What are a few of your primary responsibilities?
I am responsible for oversight of Wood Assisted Living, Givens Estates Health Center and Environmental Services. I also serve as the HIPAA Privacy Officer for Givens Estates.
What goals are you currently working toward achieving?
Continue to provide high quality services to residents especially during this coronavirus pandemic.
As a leader, what are some of your values? In what ways do those values align with Givens Estates’ values?
I love collaborating with others to achieve a goal.
How do you ensure your department and its activities are aligned with Givens Estates mission, vision, and values?
I believe this starts with the Team members that we recruit and hire. As health care professionals we are automatically hard wired to be caring and nurturing, but it is important to ensure Team Members are working in an environment that makes it easy for them to be focused on the residents. Again, we try to keep residents and families at the center of all decisions. I also believe it is the little things that are often the most important to people.
What inspires you?
Our Team Members!
What advice would you give someone moving into a leadership position in the senior living industry?
You must have perseverance. Always keep the residents and families at the center of all decision making. As Administrators I believe we are generalists. Remember that the Department Directors are the experts in their areas- lean into their expertise!
Of what achievement or contribution to Givens Estates are you most proud?
The ongoing wonderful care that is provided to our residents in WAL and GEHC by our Team Members.
What resources do you use to help you as a leader (other leaders, books, organizations, etc.)?
Professional publications and connections through LeadingAge and North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association.
What life experience or event has influenced your leadership style?
My 3 years in the military was pivotal for me as a leader.
How is your job rewarding?
I really enjoy the relationships with residents/families and Team Members. It is all about the people!
What is a fun fact about you or something that others might not know about you?
As an Army brat, I was born in Taipei, Taiwan.
What is one word that describes you best?