Assisted Living Resident Receives NCAPA Award
Karen Adams, a resident of Wood Assisted Living, is a gracious and loyal volunteer in WAL. Karen makes sure Saturday programs and activities are conducted while staff are home for the weekend.
She calls Bingo on Saturday mornings for the residents and also plays the Saturday night movie. Karen also performs other jobs throughout the week if Life Enrichment staff need any assistance, such as passing out reminders to each residence. She volunteers anytime she sees a need. Recognizing what is needed in the moment and acting on that need is essential as a volunteer and as a leader.
Karen also volunteers for Independent Living. Sallyanne McVay, from the Life Enrichment Team, said “Karen has been folding, stuffing & addressing IL & WAL Birthday cards for over a year, perhaps 2 years. She joyfully and graciously has taken on this weekly task. She also has been the Cluster Representative picking up the WAL mail & Gazette every Friday to pass out with Alice Gleason.”
This past year Karen was awarded The North Carolina Activity Professional Association (NCAPA) Activity Volunteer of the Year for 2018. We are so grateful and proud of everything Karen does here in WAL and in IL. She is a true representation of genuine volunteer service.
Thank you Karen!